Monday, April 23, 2012

Underground Society Beneath the United States

I'm trying to find my cousin James. He disappeared about a year ago and no one has heard from him since. He was living as a bum with some government food stamps and living allowances but chances are he even lost all that. My aunt knows where he is though and since we've been talking a lot, she is letting me in on their secret. He is doing okay, alive nonetheless, and living underground, beneath the United States in a secret society. This is what my aunt tells me though I don't believe her entirely because she is prone to lying. Soon enough, I am there in the underground society. The lights are a bright but yellowy toned. I don't see James anywhere, nor do I expect him to be there. My aunt tells me he is working but I highly doubt it. He probably quit and is living on the streets beneath the land, rotting away.

I am with my aunt and several others conversing in a building of some sort. Outside there is a large driveway that runs up a pretty steep hill. It's a dirt road with green grass along the side and several trees scattered alongside of the road up towards the top of the hill. There is suddenly something chasing us all. I do not have time to get in my vehicle and drive away from this THING chasing us. It is an unknown thing but I have to get away fast or else I'm done for. I start sprinting up hill because I feel like I can get there faster than any other method of travel. I'm running and running but the weight of my body is slowing me down. I can't seem to go fast at all. There are several rocks and pits in the dirt that I keep getting stuck in. Eventually the scene changes but I am holding on for dear life to another person. Either the other person or I am getting pulled by this machine/thing. I'm holding on so tight. I'm not really scared even though it's bad.

There is more to this dream that I can't remember.

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